Moray Eel

Make some notes from this short video.
What are the two most surprising facts you discovered?

Can you explain the function of the eel's jaw?

Is an eel a fish?

Can you explain why you think that?

For your notes think about these questions:

What special adaptations does this creature have?Where dose it live?
How does it feed?
How does it protect itself?
What does it eat?
What special features or adaptations does it have?

The Sad Truth

Wednesday Dictation

Every piece of plastic that finds its way into the ocean is still there.  All the plastic and rubbish in the Pacific Ocean slowly drifts on the ocean currents and collects in the middle of the sea.  Today the middle of the Pacific has collected a massive island of plastic as big as Texas!

54 Words
Double Points its - Pacific Ocean - massive - Texas

What do you think of that?

Is this a problem?

How does this make you feel?

What are the consequences of this?

Brainstorm all the items that could end up in the ocean from being dropped as litter, rubbish, or from a ship

In a group look at your list of pollution items found in the ocean.  Next to each idea write and draw your thinking to show where this item came from and what effect it might have in the ocean.

cause (where did this item come from?) 
item in the ocean 
effect (what problem could this cause in the ocean?)

Oxygen from the Ocean

Scientists agree that there’s oxygen from ocean plants in every breath we take. 
Most of this oxygen comes from tiny ocean plants – called phytoplankton – that live near the water’s surface and drift with the currents. Like all plants, they photosynthesize – that is, they use sunlight and carbon dioxide to make food.
Say: phy to plank ton = this is tiny plant life in the ocean
Scientists believe that phytoplankton contribute between 50 to 85 percent of the oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere. 

Simple Diagram / Info-graphic

Stone Fish

Make some notes from this short video.
What are the two most surprising facts you discovered?

Why do you think this fish looks like a stone?

For your notes think about these questions:

Where dose it live?
How does it feed?
How does it protect itself?
What does it eat?
What special features or adaptations does it have?

Breathing Under Water

Keyword - Respiration - This means breathing

Watch and listen to this video - make some notes in your journal about how fish manage to breath underwater.

If you find out something that really interests you could add the fact to our class collage wall.  

My Questions
Hang On
What about sea mammals like whales, seals and dolphins?

Try to hold your breath 
(ready steady go)
(how long can you hold your breath for?)

for more than 2-3 minutes and you could pass out!

So What About This!

On one breath the sperm whale can dive for more than one hour to depths greater than 1,200 meters, with average dives of 45 minutes, to depths of 600-1,000 meters. 

Elephant seals can spend up to two hours in depths over 1,500 meters, but average dives last only 25-30 minutes, to depths of about 500 meters. 

Cuvier's beaked whales dive to maximum depths of nearly 1,900 meters with a maximum duration of 85 minutes. The average foraging dive for Cuvier's beaked whale is to a depth of 1,070 meters with a duration of 58 minutes.  

Ocean Zones

Sea creatures have special features that allow them to live in different parts of the ocean.
Some have special features that help them to be superb hunters and others have special defense abilities. Some need sunlight while others can live in very deep water with no light at all.
Take a look at these info-graphic / picture information diagrams.  What do you notice? What creatures live in the deep?

Jellyfish - Sentence Writing 1.1

Writing Sentences

The next step towards creating a report about jellyfish is to use the information from the notes you took yesterday to write some clear factual sentences.

Use the basic organising ideas we used for the note taking to group and begin your sentences.

Under each starter heading write a minimum of 3 sentences

Opening sentence
A jellyfish is...  is not...  
(what is it - classify it - eg a car is a form of transport with wheels that drives on roads)

Jellyfish have   (describe what they look like including their colour, size, body parts, special features)

Lives / Does
Jellyfish live  (explain where they live and what they do)

The Jellyfish 1.0

Note Taking - Finding Information

Watch these three videos and use everything you see and hear to make some notes about jellyfish.

We will use the notes you take to help us write a short report together.

Important Headings - basic organising ideas for your report:

A jellyfish is - has - does - lives 
What questions do you still have?

Silhouette Word Links

Click on a word to do an instant Google search!
Be warned - some of these words have more than one meaning so you might not get exactly what you're looking for.

Try it...

Angler Fish

Looking like something out of a science fiction movie, 
the anglerfish uses a natural lure to draw its next meal nearer.

Fast Facts

8 in (20 cm) up to 3.3 ft (1 m)
Up to 110 lbs (50 kg)
Group name:
Did you know?
The anglerfish's lighted lure glows with the help of millions of bioluminescent bacteria.

The angry-looking deep sea anglerfish has a right to be cranky. It is quite possibly the ugliest animal on the planet, and it lives in what is easily Earth's most inhospitable habitat: the lonely, lightless bottom of the sea.
There are more than 200 species of anglerfish, most of which live in the murky depths of the Atlantic and Antarctic oceans, up to a mile below the surface, although some live in shallow, tropical environments. Generally dark gray to dark brown in color, they have huge heads and enormouscrescent-shaped mouths filled with sharp, translucent teeth. Some angler fish can be quite large, reaching 3.3 feet (1 meter) in length. Most however are significantly smaller, often less than a foot.
Their most distinctive feature, worn only by females, is a piece of dorsal spine that protrudes above their mouths like a fishing pole—hence their name. Tipped with a lure of luminous flesh this built-in rod baits prey close enough to be snatched. Their mouths are so big and their bodies so pliable, they can actually swallow prey up to twice their own size.